Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Constituition - a lost ideal

"The ends don't justify the means" personifies the predicament we are in as a country now. Many of the things our leaders have done over the past century have had good goals in mind, but have strayed from the principle of the constitution. All laws should be put to the litmus test of the constitution. Even if they had good ideals, if they don't pass the test they can't in good judgment be brought to pass.

I will talk about each one of these in more detail, but these issues all have good ideals mixed with illegal laws that should have never been passed. Taxes (IRS practices illegal confiscation of property), welfare, social security, medicare, government intervention in the free market, A fiat money system (Paper money) not based on gold or silver, preemptive war (Extremely dangerous), patriot act, federal involvement in many state issues (Education, marriage, gun control....) , and the list goes on of the atrocities by the government.

Why have we not done anything about this? The answer is simply money. If Americans have a portfolio that is increasing every year, a job that pays decent and no direct attacks on our soil we don't care what is going on in Washington. When Bill Clinton lied under oath about Monica nobody even cared because the economy was supposedly "good." Because of our prosperity we have not studied the constitution and don't even know what is legal and what is not. It is not taught in schools. It's time to go back to the basics. That is the change so desperately needed.

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